Virtual Event

Assessment, Higher Education, and the Essential Connectedness of Everything
Posted by: Joel Bloom
Type of Event: Virtual
Event On: 04 Apr 2023, 02:30 PM EDT
Hosted by: Zoom
Cost: FREE
In this presentation, Hunter College’s Director of Assessment, Joel Bloom, will discuss a variety of ways in which all aspects of higher education are interconnected. Bloom will suggest that unless we recognize this essential inter-connectedness and start building bridges across divisions rather than reinforcing (and enforcing!) our silos, we will fail to carry out our institutional mission and our values. Admissions, enrollment management, retention and graduation, time to degree, diversity/equity/inclusion, institutional, school, and program goals, achievement and assessment of student learning goals, strategic planning, developing and implementing curriculum, student services, student engagement, budgeting, and accreditation – these are all parts of the effectiveness of the institution (in other words, “Institutional Effectiveness”) and unless we recognize and develop the necessary connections among them in an intentional, comprehensive, and collaborative manner, we will not be effective as institutions.